There are MANY areas in Shelton that could use a good clean-up, including many we are not even aware of. If you have an area in mind you would prefer to clean up, then please do so. If, however, you are looking for someplace to clean, here is a list of some priority parks and road that have come to our attention.
But first take a look at our 2013 map
that shows some areas that get overlooked most years. Parks have a tree
icon, roadways a truck.
City Streets
(Nearly all streets could use a clean up, but
here are a few that stand out. The streets below are also up for adoption
via our Adopt-a-Street Program):
Booth Hill Road at the Aquarion property
Isinglass Road at the Aquarion property
Mohegan Road near Booth Hill Road
Nells Rock Road - Oak Valley to Shelton Ave is the safer section.
State Highways
These roads are maintained by the State of Connecticut,
which does periodically send out crews to pick up litter, although this has
become infrequent due to 2011 budget cuts. The State
does not allow local adopt-a-street programs on their roads. They do have a
State Adopt-a-Highway Program. The Litter Committee and our state
representatives can assist in cutting through the red tape associated with
the State's program. Contact the Litter Committee if you have a business
interested in adopted part of a state road.
Bridgeport Avenue
Rt 110 (Leavenworth/River Road)
Rt 108 (Shelton Ave/Nichols)
Route 8 is limited access only, no
litter clean up allowed by residents.
Parks (note: wooded areas of these parks tend to be
Riverview Park (especially the wooded riverbank)
Southbank Park (along the Housatonic River)
Sunnyside Boat Launch area
East Village Park
Capewell Park
Nike Ballfields
East Village Park tends to get many people
cleaning it
The grade schools tend to get many
people cleaning them
High School (especially ballfields and wooded areas)
Intermediate School
Sunnyside School (and adjacent Sunnyside boat launch area)
Elizabeth Shelton School
Long Hill School
Booth Hill School
Open Space
We have about 1900 acres of open space in Shelton on several
hundred parcels. For a listing of parcels by street and for a detailed open
space map, visit Conservation's
Open Space Properties page.
OS 27.01 Stewart Woods/Oak Valley Trail (especially near
OS 27.06 Turkey Trot Trail (especially near roads)
OS 82.01 Pine Lake to Wheeler St. (area near Wheeler often overlooked)
OS 94.01 Birchbank –
Airsoft encampment needs removal
OS 7.01-7.02 along Canfield Drive (wet)
OS 5 Kazo Drive (wet)
OS 45 Riverview Ave
OS 54 East Village Rd/Lynnwood Court
OS 92.01 Mill Street/Far Mill River
Far Mill River – Pine Rock Park area
Housatonic River: Public access points
include Sunnyside and Southbank Open Space. Litter clean-up
below the Derby-Shelton dam is infinitely easier at low tide.
Far Mill River & Means Brook:
There are various access points for
both of these rivers.